What's a Podcast?
Podcasting is a way of publishing music and video files using the Internet. Users subscribe to a feed and receive new audio or video files automatically. Users subscribe to podcasts using "podcatching" software such as iTunes, which periodically checks for and downloads new content. It can then sync the content to the user's portable music or video player, such as Apple's "iPod" or "iPhone" thus the term "Podcasting."
I don't own an iPod!
Did you know that podcasting does not require an iPod? Any digital audio player or computer with the appropriate software can play podcasts. Subscribing to the GTG Podcast let's you listen whenever your schedule permits.
Subscribe with iTunes
Click Here To Subscribe with iTunes to automatically receive the AUDIO version of the daily Growing Thru Grace Broadcast. This subscription will deliver each message in the form of a MP3 file, which can be played on your computer or MP3 player.
Don't have iTunes?

Click the "Install" button to the left. Installing iTunes is quick and easy and best of all, it's free. iTunes can be installed on both Mac and PC computer systems. Once you have installed iTunes, come back to this pagee and click the link above to subscribe to the Growing Thru Grace Radio Podcast. To manually subscribe, open iTunes, click on the "Advanced" menu option, and select "Subscribe to Podcast..." In the URL field paste in the URL from the feed below.
Get The Feed.