Today On Growing Thru Grace

1/24/2025 - 1 Corinthians 1:1-9
An Optimistic Outlook
And as we finish up the week we are also starting an exciting new series through the Book of 1 Corinthians. Pastor Jack has titled this series "Pure Living in an Impure World." We'll dive in together as we learn from Paul's letter to the church of a most corrupt and perverted city. So let's join our teacher at 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 for this introduction to the Book. Here's Pastor Jack.

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Previously Aired Broadcasts

DateStudy #TitleListenBuy
1/24/202524ID3713AAn Optimistic Outlook
1/23/202524ID4336BPeter's Restoration
1/22/202524ID4336APeter's Restoration
1/21/202524ID4335CResurrection Evening
1/20/202524ID4334BResurrection Afternoon
1/17/202524ID4334AResurrection Afternoon
1/16/202524ID4333CResurrection Morning
1/15/202524ID4332BWhat Kind of a Disciple Are You?
1/14/202524ID4332AWhat Kind of a Disciple Are You?
1/13/202524ID4331CThe Crucifixion (Part 3)
1/10/202524ID4330BThe Crucifixion (Part 2)
1/9/202524ID4330AThe Crucifixion (Part 2)
1/8/202524ID4329CThe Crucifixion (Part 1)
1/7/202524ID4328BWhat'll I Do with Jesus?
1/6/202524ID4328AWhat'll I Do with Jesus?
1/3/202524ID4327CWhose Really On Trial?
1/2/202524ID4326BGod's Will and Man's Sinful Hatred
1/1/202523TM113BA Lesson From The Past - New Years Eve 2023
12/31/202423TM113AA Lesson From The Past - New Years Eve 2023
12/30/202424ID4326AGod's Will and Man's Sinful Hatred
12/27/202424ID4325CHad A Great Fall
12/26/202424ID4324BThe Kiss, Sword Or Cup?
12/25/202423TM112BHope is Born - Christmas Eve 2023
12/24/202423TM112AHope is Born - Christmas Eve 2023
12/23/202424ID4324AThe Kiss, Sword Or Cup?
12/20/202424ID4323CAgony In The Garden For Us
12/19/202424ID4322BFrom Carried To Walking
12/18/202424ID4322AFrom Carried To Walking
12/17/202424ID4321CJesus Praying For Us
12/16/202424ID4320BThe Kingdom Now and Then
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...
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