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Hope for the Hopeless

Picture of Hope for the Hopeless
Depression has become an epidemic, leading many to seek drastic measures for relief. In this book, Pastor Jack looks at the Bible to show why so many people do not have the hope that God promises.
English Version
$8.00 (USD)  

Mark Study on MP3

Picture of Mark Study on MP3
This USB flash drive contains all of Pastor Jack's studies from the book of Mark from the series entitled, "The Ultimate Servant's Heart."
$16.00 (USD)  

Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties by Gleason L. Archer

Picture of Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties by Gleason L. Archer
All of us have certainly run across questions as we studied the Bible and wondered where we might turn to get some answers. This book will help you tremendously. Birthed from years of teaching and research, Dr. Archer has tackled the most troublesome questions and offered biblically solid explanations and answers. His work will leave you assured of your faith and dependent on the message that you live by. This is an absolute necessity for those teaching regularly, and I highly recommend it to you.
$21.59 (USD)  

Pleasing God

Picture of Pleasing God
Life is full of choices in an average day; a woman must wrestle with a number of questions. Am I using my time wisely? Should I be doing something more, or something better? Is the activity I want to do right, or is it wrong? What if all your decisions were governed by one simple question: does this please God? In Pleasing God, Kay Smith exhorts and encourages women to think of God first and to live with His pleasure uppermost in mind. In a style that is uniquely Kay; candid, humorous, firm, but also compassionate. This beloved teacher reveals the secret to a simplified life, living it as a fragrant offering to God.
$12.79 (USD)