Picture of Samson: A Life That Might Have Been

Samson: A Life That Might Have Been

Pastor Jack talks us through what the Lord would have us to learn about the gifts He gives us, our responsibility to the Lord’s calling, and God’s almighty redemption.
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What is the real story behind the powerful figure Samson? Was he an instrument of God? Why was his end so tragic? This Character Mini-Series walks us through the incredible like of Samson.

There is much to learn from Samson's life. His faithful parents and promised birth reveal God's sovereignty while his adult like teaches us the consequences of leaning on our own understanding. This album is sure to bring great inquiry to your walk with the Lord and draw you close to Him.

Samson: A Life That Might Have Been is part of Growing Thru Grace's Character Mini-Series collection.

This album contains 3 studies:

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