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Through the Bible - New Testament on MP3 (CD)

Picture of Through the Bible - New Testament on MP3 (CD)
Go verse by verse with Pastor Jack Abeelen through the New Testament.
MP3 Album (19 MP3 CD's)
$60.00 (USD)  

MP3 Philippians - Colossians

Picture of MP3 Philippians - Colossians
This study album contains all of Pastor Jack's studies from the books of Philippians and Colossians.
Philippians - Colossians MP3 On USB
$18.75 (USD)  
Philippians - Colossians MP3 On CD
$19.99 (USD)  

The Stage Is Set

Picture of The Stage Is Set
Philippians Intro #1
Video DVD
$6.39 (USD)  
Audio CD
$4.57 (USD)  
MP3 Download
$0.99 (USD)  

The Arrival & The Work Begins

Picture of The Arrival & The Work Begins
Philippians Intro #2
Video DVD
$6.39 (USD)  
Audio CD
$4.57 (USD)  
MP3 Download
$0.99 (USD)  

The Cost Of Evangelism

Picture of The Cost Of Evangelism
Philippians Intro #3
Video DVD
$6.39 (USD)  
Audio CD
$4.57 (USD)  
MP3 Download
$0.99 (USD)  

The Big Picture

Picture of The Big Picture
Philippians Intro #4
Video DVD
$6.39 (USD)  
Audio CD
$4.57 (USD)  
MP3 Download
$0.99 (USD)  

The Joy Of Fellowship

Picture of The Joy Of Fellowship
Philippians 1:1-11
Video DVD
$6.39 (USD)  
Audio CD
$4.57 (USD)  
MP3 Download
$0.99 (USD)  

Furthering The Gospel Effort

Picture of Furthering The Gospel Effort
Philippians 1:12-26
Video DVD
$6.39 (USD)  
Audio CD
$4.57 (USD)  
MP3 Download
$0.99 (USD)  

Standing And Making A Difference

Picture of Standing And Making A Difference
Philippians 1:27-30
Video DVD
$6.39 (USD)  
Audio CD
$4.57 (USD)  
MP3 Download
$0.99 (USD)  

Awesome Love In The Body Of Christ

Picture of Awesome Love In The Body Of Christ
Philippians 2:1-4
Video DVD
$6.39 (USD)  
Audio CD
$4.57 (USD)  
MP3 Download
$0.99 (USD)  

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