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Through the Bible - New Testament on MP3 (CD)

Picture of Through the Bible - New Testament on MP3 (CD)
Go verse by verse with Pastor Jack Abeelen through the New Testament.
MP3 Album (19 MP3 CD's)
$60.00 (USD)  

MP3 Matthew

Picture of MP3 Matthew
This study album contains all of Pastor Jack's studies from the book of Matthew.
Matthew MP3 On USB
$19.99 (USD)  
Matthew MP3 On CD
$19.99 (USD)  

Matthew 1

Picture of Matthew 1
Matthew 1
Audio CD
$4.57 (USD)  
MP3 Download
$0.99 (USD)  

Sermon on the Mount Inductive Bible Study

Picture of Sermon on the Mount Inductive Bible Study
The Sermon on the Mount, found in Matthew, is one of the longest sermons recorded in the Bible. This sermon teaches us what the life of a disciple of Jesus should be like.
Sermon on the Mount Inductive Bible Study
$12.00 (USD)  

Matthew 2-3

Picture of Matthew 2-3
Matthew 2-3
Audio CD
$4.57 (USD)  
MP3 Download
$0.99 (USD)  

Matthew 4

Picture of Matthew 4
Matthew 4
Audio CD
$4.57 (USD)  
MP3 Download
$0.99 (USD)  

Matthew 5

Picture of Matthew 5
Matthew 5
Audio CD
$4.57 (USD)  
MP3 Download
$0.99 (USD)  

Matthew 6

Picture of Matthew 6
Matthew 6
Audio CD
$4.57 (USD)  
MP3 Download
$0.99 (USD)  

Matthew 7

Picture of Matthew 7
Matthew 7
Audio CD
$4.57 (USD)  
MP3 Download
$0.99 (USD)  

Matthew 8

Picture of Matthew 8
Matthew 8
Audio CD
$4.57 (USD)  
MP3 Download
$0.99 (USD)  

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