Prayers, Praises, And Promises
Psalms 6-10
By covering 5 psalms in each study, we thus have a collection of mini topical messages. These message reflect emotional experiences by the writers showing their times of rejoicing and times of anguish. Psalm 6 speaks of David's emotional upheaval and his cry to God for deliverance. Psalm 7 reflects David's feelings during a time of when he was being slandered. Psalm 8, is a glimpse into David’s life as a shepherd and how being in the out of doors he understood the greatness of God through observing His creation. In Psalm 9, David praises the Lord with his whole heart because he knows that God is just and one day will judge his enemies. In Psalm 10, Pastor Jack looks at practical atheism and how the words of David aptly describe our country today.
This album contains 1 study: