Picture of Repentance Vs. Resistance

Repentance Vs. Resistance

Psalms 51-55
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Psalm 51 begins a new series of psalms that are attributed to David. In fact, all but four between here and psalm 72 and the end of the second book are attributed to him. This psalm was written after David had been confronted about his sin(s) with Bathsheba by Nathan the prophet (2Sa.11-12). In this psalm we see David’s response of confession before God. Psalm 52 records David's run from Saul and when Doeg, the Edomite, told Saul the whereabouts of David. Psalm 53 is a repeat of psalm 14. Psalm 54 tells about the Ziphites who betrayed David by telling Saul of his whereabouts. Certainly a lesson on what to do when those close to us betray us. Lastly, psalm 55, like psalm 54, speaks of betrayal when David’s own son, Absalom, sought to overthrow him and take over the kingdom.

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